Best Fitness Advise for Budding Boxers

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Best Fitness Advise for Budding Boxers

Best Fitness Advise for Budding Boxers

Fitness is the most important thing for any boxer. When a boxer is preparing for a competitive fight  he has to consider a number of things like weight, number of rounds and opponent’s style. But when it comes to physical fitness though, there should be no compromise. As a fighter you have to prepare hard. Training hard in the gym translates to ease in the ring.

In order to perform well you need to have excellent stamina and fitness, which can only be achieved by implementing following tips.

Let’s check them out!

Motivate Yourself

Getting amped up isn’t like flipping a switch, but you better learn how to. Motivation is needed if you want to bring consistency and dedication to your game. Allocate time for fitness training and make sure there are no distractions in your path. Sometimes to motivate yourself becomes difficult, to fix that situation, it will help if you have a friend on your side who can train with you.


After a hard day’s training, your body needs to relax and rest to recover and build-up the muscles you’ve broken down. This is very important as it helps muscles to recover fast. It is recommended to sleep at least eight hours every night.


Nutrition is like fuel to your body, if you eat quality and well-balanced food, it will produce much better results as compared to eating an unbalanced diet. If you are maintaining a specific weight for your fight then you need to consult a nutritionist or fitness expert. He will devise a daily plan for you to follow. It is important for a fighter to take the right amount of calories, because more calories will result in excessive fat and inhibit your training.

Fitness Apparel

Use proper clothing and footwear for fitness training, one that will help you perform better in training as well as fights. These days sports is treated as a science and everything that a sportsman use or wears is intended to boost his performance. So check out various brands and use that works best for you.


Cardio is one of the most important and frequently used fitness exercises for boxers. Every boxer must jog 3-10 miles every day. If you finish jogging with a 100 meter dash, it’ll help you increase your fitness, especially when ending a fight. It helps you with an immediate burst of energy.

Skipping Rope

Like jogging, jumping rope is another exercise that is essential for boxers, which helps maintain their fitness. It improves their balance and increases coordination. A common technique used by boxers while skipping is – skip for three minutes without a break and then rest for a minute and then perform another set. Boxers use a variety of techniques when jumping ropes that includes jumping with both feet, with one feet alternatively or jumping on one feet while keeping another feet of the ground. Boxers also increase their pace by turning the rope more than once before every jump.

Boxing Equipment

If you are serious about your boxing or combat skills, it is important that you use the right kit that includes a quality boxing gloves, punching bags and protective gear. Don’t go for cheap and poor quality stuff, as it will endanger your health and not durable.

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