Best Cycling Workouts for Improved Strength and Endurance

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Best Cycling Workouts for Improved Strength and Endurance

Cycling Workout

Cycling Workout

Riding has always been considered an incredible workout regimen for overall body fitness but still there are some others which are even more effective. Among several type of rides, some tend to make ready for training while others help to recover. But there are certain basic cycling workout regimens that need heaps of struggle but pay off in the form of big results.

Cycling Workout

Cycling Workout


As spring is just around the corner, here are some best workout plans to enhance your speed, endurance and help shed the winter pudge by boosting up metabolism.


Velmax Intervals:

Velmax intervals are power based intervals depending upon more Vo2 max and threshold power. To perform Velmax intervals properly, a power meter is required to analyse functional threshold power. This is one of the most difficult training intervals according to various fitness experts, so one has to perform it after getting well prepared. As the advantages of Velmax training regimens are very fast, the suggested intensity to perform it is very low in the beginning. Gradually upsurging intensity by either increasing the number of Velmax intervals or wattage after the first workout is recommended as the body gets toned to the routine.

Cycling Exercise

Cycling Exercise


For this exercise, warmup time should be fifteen to twenty minutes

Velmax Intervals:

Velmax Intervals are a set of thirty seconds at 135% of Functional Threshold Power divided by thirty seconds easy reps until wattage cannot be maintained.

Note: But before indulging yourself into any intense exercise regimen, it is important to consult with your doctor to check out the safety concern.

When the wattage varies, a target should be fixed and when an athlete will be unable to maintain less than ten to twenty watts the workout session will be over.

Tabata Intervals:

This type of exercise is named after its inventor who researched the effectiveness of short intensity workouts than longer or moderate ones. Tabata actually reveals the interval protocol which is twenty seconds workout per ten seconds break and then its repetition eight to ten times. Tabata research indicated that these intervals are very effective for provoking enhancements in both the aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms. The key of tabata is its maximal movements with shorter recovery time spans. Inadequate recovery leads a person towards high intensity oxygen debt which at the end improved the ability to process oxygen.

Cycling Routine

Cycling Routine


4 X 4 intervals:

Researchers found that one can gain better boost in cardiac results through constant high intensity workouts as compared to longer but less intense exercises. This endurance training theory is then popularized by 4 X 4 intervals, which signifies four intervals in four minutes at 85 to 95% of HR max. This exercise is meant to offer biggest boosts in VO2 Max which is a deciding factor for strength and endurance.

The method of 4 X 4 interval is:

  • Recover for 4 minutes
  • Revise for a total of 4 to 6 times.
  • Rest for 10 to 15 minutes

This exercise will aid in athletes to perform better as cyclists and to improve on their existing performances. It will also prove to be beneficial to enhance fitness combined with a healthy diet.


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